Provincial flood forecast: March 31, 2020

The Province has just released its latest flood forecast. The highlights for Lake Manitobans include:

“The Assiniboine, Souris, Qu’Appelle and Saskatchewan Rivers are at risk of minor flooding. The risk of flooding is low in most other regions of the province including the Interlake region. The risk of major flooding is low for most Manitoba lakes with the exception of Whiteshell Lakes where there is a high risk of moderate flooding.”

and for the operation of the Portage Diversion and Shellmouth Reservoir:

“Minimal operation of Portage Diversion is also expected to reduce ice related damages in lower Assiniboine River. The Shellmouth Reservoir is being operated in consultation with the Shellmouth Liaison Committee members in order to reduce the risk of flooding in the Assiniboine River, at the same time providing sufficient storage for water supply and recreation.”

The full flood forecast can be found here:

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