
The Association of Lake Manitoba Stakeholders was formed at a general meeting held June 18, 2011 of associations of property owners effected by the intentional flooding of Lake Manitoba.


The Association of Lake Manitoba Stakeholders(ALMS) presents a unified voice for all property owners affected by the man-made flooding of Lake Manitoba. 


ALMS was founded on June 18, 2011 by various property owner groups and associations surrounding Lake Manitoba, including Twin Lakes Beach, Delta Beach, Manipogo (St. Rose du Lac), Sugar Point / Lundar, Johnson Beach, Pioneer Beach, Laurentia Beach, Sandpiper Beach, as well as the Manitoba Cottage Owners Association. 


President Jack King
Vice President
Past President Don Clarkson
Treasurer Alice Dent
Secretary Destiny Watt
Directors at Large Harry Frederick
Science Advisor Scott Forbes

Webmaster/Communications                                Scott Greenlay

12 thoughts on “About

  1. I am in the RM of Grahamdale where they spent a million dollars at Steep Rock and Deighton Beach, and next to nothing at Maple Beach where I am. We had no diking, no volunteers, and were cut off from sand bags while we were still here. $50K spent on feeding volunteers there and nothing for us.


  2. We will have a lot of rebuilding to do after the danger of the spring thaw comes to pass.It would be very helpfull to start gathering information and list of contractors and house lifters that would be available,and list them here for all the stakeholders to access.


  3. We have a cottage at Lundar Beach. A Winnipeg Neighbour of ours, Frances-Mary Brown has written a book entitled “Fairy Silve.r”

    Frances-Mary Brown approached me as she wanted to help out the victims of this year’s Lake Manitoba Flood. She stated that she would like to sell her books for $10.00 a book and then donate 100% of the money to the Red Cross Flood Relief efforts.

    The Red Cross has been most helpful to the Lake Manitoba Flood Evacuees.

    If people are interested in helping out this cause, they can either contact me at 253-5991 or Frances-Mary Brown at 837-5037.

    Thank you.


  4. Congratulations to Cheryl, Don, Jane, Lia, Doug and Scott on their election as our first Executive Board! I applaud their willingness to give their time so freely and constructively to address, with the powers that be, the many issues arising from the man-made flooding of Lake Manitoba. Thank you all very much!


  5. As a cottager in Lake Man I have been following the Manitoba flood sheets and forecasts since the flooding this year and recently noticed retroactive changes have been made to the reported levels of Lake Manitoba and marked as corrected. Can someone from the Association explain what this (Corrected Level due to gauge reset) means and why the forecasts/reports have been modified by almost a foot? http://www.gov.mb.ca/waterstewardship/floodinfo/forecast_centre/flood_sheets/2011/manitoba_lakes_oct_17_2011.pdf


    • I spoke with Phillip Mutulu at Water Stewardship, and he informed me that one of their gauges at Steep Rock was not recording accurately and was corrected after an on-site inspection. They then corrected the flood sheets for a couple of weeks back to correct the error.
      His number is (204) 945-6698 if you need any further clarification.


  6. I would like to know if anyone can confirm that there are areas at Delta Beach or any other area where they have been told that they will not be allowed to rebuild due to this 1 in 300 year flood?


  7. My wife and I took a drive down to the woodlands area of Twin Beach.The place looks real good Damaged buildings have been cleaned up no Garbage laying around the road is excellent.I would like to know why the municipality of woodlands can do all this and once again Twin Beach looks like a disaster area no help from the municipality for clean up.I thought we threw out the people who would do nothing in the last election looks like we have just got same old.


  8. I heard on CBC radio this morning that a group, representing 12 RMs around Lake MB, met with government officials yesterday. Brian Sigfusson, the Reeve of the RM of Coldwell was interviewed by CBC and they, like us, want the lake levels lowered first and foremost. Should ALMS be joining forces with them?


  9. In spite of the pre-election promises yesterday, cottagers are still only being reimbursed up to a maximum of $90,000.00 on structure.

    Does that mean that our taxes should only be based on structure values of $90,000.00? Otherwise this is totally discrimatory and in my opinion should be the basis of a lawsuit.


    • I agree 100% when taxed on cottage property we are not taxed at a “seasonal” rate, we are taxed on assesed value of the property and its buildings, the same as primary home owners, yet there is discrimination for compensation. We pay full taxes on our primary residence as well as full taxes on cottage property.. Fair treatment is all we ask for.


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