Contact Us

To contact the association, leave a message via the “reply” feature below, and someone will get in touch with you.

63 thoughts on “Contact Us

  1. Thank you for the update on current lake manitoba level
    Question: We are now above the normal operating range of lake Manitoba.. What is the projected crest height and date of crest for lake manitoba?


  2. I am wondering if it would be possible to get a copy of the minutes from the June 21, 2017 meeting that was held in Winnipeg? We have our annual meeting the long weekend of August and I would like to share the minutes with the association.
    Thank you.

    Dee Dee Armstrong
    Big Point Retreat


  3. Thanks so much for your continued work and especially for keeping accurate track of the lake levels. When I see it posted on your site, I believe it.


  4. I lost my cottage on Sandpiper Beach during the flood. It had to be torn down. I live in Ottawa now but plan to move back to Manitoba next summer. I would like to start the process of re-building this year. I signed all the documents I had to sign back in 2011, but would like to know who to call to start the process of fixing the lot etc.

    Robert McMillan


    • Hey Robert- you should contact the folks at Manitoba MASC who you dealt with when you put in your claim. In terms of rebuilding its the same rules as if you were building a new home. Building permits, survey, etc. Talk to your RM planning office for more details there. Best regards.


  5. Has anyone info on current permanent flood protection programmes / grants.
    or any info on reduced property prices due to MB Govt continuing to raise lake water levels and risk lake side property.
    any information would be welcome and gratefully received


  6. Hello,

    I am currently seeking any information that may be deemed helpful, with my never ending, frustrating quest in dealing with the NDP government on “fair” flood mitigation. As a Manitoba tax payer and a business owner who has been drastically effected by floodwaters, I am seeking any form of constructive advice by those who’s lives have also been altered by floodwaters in the our province. I would like the opportunity to speak with a representative from your organisation.

    Thanks you for your time and consideration.


    Stu McKay





  7. Oops, didn’t realize I had to scroll to the bottom to leave a comment.
    I’ve noticed many RM’s arranging meetings with officials individually. Does ALMS have the ability to join all affected RM’s to meet with officials to discuss the faults within EMO and their current compensation policies. I realize you have approached infrastructure operations but compensation needs to be addressed as well. I have a list of faults in EMO if you would like it to bring to a meeting with those who have the power to make the needed changes. Will you be attending the following meeting ?


    • I’ve noticed many RM’s arranging meetings with officials individually. Does ALMS have the ability to join all affected RM’s to meet with officials to discuss the faults within EMO and their current compensation policies. I realize you have approached infrastructure operations but compensation needs to be addressed as well. I have a list of faults in EMO if you would like it to bring to a meeting with those who have the power to make the needed changes. Will you be attending the following meeting ?


    • Who has contacted the province regarding the intentionally reduced flows on the Fairford? The last thing this government needs at this time, is to be cut any form of slack by responsible tax payers of this province. On the contrary, the need to continue applying pressure on them and holding them accountable, could not be more prevalent at this time.


  8. Steve Ashton just finished struggling through a CBC radio interview. He pronounced St. Laurent about six different ways. I don’t think he was prepared. I believe he called super sandbags and innovative method. I call them an ugly ecology damaging necessity. It really didn’t feel like he was speaking to the affected people around Lake Manitoba, more like he was speaking to the rest of the people in the province to convince them the NDP is doing a good job in a timely manner. My confidence level has not been raised.


  9. A big thanks to Kevin Yuill for calmly articulating a lot of key information about circumstances from 2011 through today in his CBC interview today. Thank you Kevin!


  10. Is anybody concerned about the lake Manitoba levels today June 21, 2014. I am unable to find any recent levels and my goodness, I have never seen water this high!!


  11. A Lake Manitoba Trade Show sponsored by Builders’ Track will be held this year in St. Laurent at the Rec Centre on May 25 – 10am – 4pm. Jennifer Hiebert is a resident of Twin Lakes Beach who is co-ordinating the show. Suggestions and inquiries are welcome at and the official site for the event with details is at
    Jack King
    President, Twin Lakes Beach Associaiton


  12. Dear Sir
    Alot of people around Portage are wondering if all of the extra water that went down the Portage Diversion in the spring of 2011 is for Bipole III Hydro Transmission Hydro Project that they want coming on the West side of Lake Manitoba.The Bipole III Hydro Transmission Hydro Towers and Lines are supposed to go 1 mile and a 1/2 West of the NH3 Anhydrous Ammonia Fertilzer Tank on the Trans Canada Highway.Which is far to close.Some of our local Aerial Applicators will not spray our crops and our neighbors in fear of them clipping the Bipole III Hydro Transmission Hydro Towers and Lines and spinning out of control and hitting the NH3 Anhydrous Ammonia Fertilzer Tank on the Trans Canada Highway.If that ever happens it would be the toxic,hazardous, dangerous fumes coming from the NH3 Anhydrous Ammonia Fertilzer Tank on the Trans Canada Highway.And what would happen if all of that waste material got into the Rat Creek from the NH3 Anhydrous Ammonia Fertilzer Tank and then went down stream to Lake Manitoba and would happen to all of the fish then in Lake Manitoba.That is why it would be nice if the Bipole III Hydro Transmission Hydro Towers and Lines could be rerouted for everyones safety.


  13. Does anyone have a contact number for Narrows West Cottage Owners Association? We own lots at Narrows West and would like to attend their next meeting and become members.


    • Please find a copy of our letter below to Minister Gord Mackintosh
      September 18, 2012

      The Honourable Gord Mackintosh
      Minister of Conservation & Water Stewardship
      330 Legislative Building
      450 Broadway
      Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 0V8

      Dear Honourable Mackintosh:

      RE: Tomorrow Now – Manitoba’s Green Plan

      Please accept this letter as feedback to the Green Plan. As we write this, contractors are preparing to remove trees and bring clay so that a flood protection ring dike can be built around our home. We reside on the Red River, upstream from the south basin of Lake Winnipeg, and downstream from the Floodway outlet at Lockport. We are still recovering from our April 12, 2009 flood experience.

      Why did we flood in 2009, 2010 and again in 2011 when we did not before? When we built our home in 1993, we checked historical flood levels from our local planning office. We knew people had made their homes here for centuries, including the building of Fort Maurepas in 1734. (Historical Atlas of Manitoba, 1970) People do not build homes and barns where it floods. Our family resided in the area as early as 1886. We are familiar with the Lake, the Red and tributaries. We know that Manitoba Hydro uses Lake Winnipeg as a reservoir and see the resulting shoreline erosion. We witnessed many ice jams over the years, and yet had no reason to fear flooding. In fact on the very night we first flooded, thankfully, a neighbour called to get us out, as we were sleeping.

      Tomorrow Now (Manitoba’s Green Plan) says, “Manitoba will enhance its capacity for flood protection with upgrades to protection structures.” (Tomorrow Now, pg 22) We have concerns with further development. Manmade flood infrastructure projects such as the Manitoba Floodway and Portage Diversion can artificially flood Manitobans living downstream. All Manitobans, not just Winnipeggers deserve flood protection.

      An elderly neighbour, whose family lived on our property for the previous hundred years, told us, “Build on the ridge. That never floods.” An eighty or ninety year old home still stands on the same ridge. Burnt remnants from previous homes can be found on our land. It made sense to us that people did not build houses and barns where it floods. Aerial photographs from 1950 confirm this. So we built on the ridge, 700 feet from the Red River and were never subjected to flooding until April 2009; after the expansion of the Floodway.

      Where is all the water coming from? Why were water levels high in 2009, 2010 and again in 2011? Is it due to climate change? Not so. We did more research and found a connection between wetland drainage and flooding. Drains have been built with no regard to what happens downstream. In addition to manmade flood control infrastructures, there seems to be more incentive to drain wetlands than to protect them. Drainage moves water off the ground far too quickly and into the Lake Winnipeg basin. This increases water levels in our area. In fact water then moves at an exceedingly higher rate. Wetlands and prairie potholes hold water and minimize flooding. We fear with the loss of wetlands and continual drainage that Manitobans will endure more flooding in the years ahead.

      Programs such as the Manitoba 2010 Individual Flood Protection Initiative and Manitoba Trees for Tomorrow, (we are benefiting from each program and we do appreciate the help) are not enough. Instead, we suggest a proactive approach in arresting wetland destruction. We agree with the Green Paper that, “Managing surface water is a critical tool in mitigating floods and droughts, protecting wetlands and aquatic ecosystems…” (Tomorrow Now, pg 24) Wetlands help reduce flooding. Prairie potholes, marshes and riparian areas must be protected.

      Drainage regulation is not only required in Manitoba. Neighbouring provinces and U.S. states located in the Lake Winnipeg watershed must adhere to regulations too. There is evidence that drainage affects flooding on a wide scale. This impacts Manitobans. (Blame the Ditches, news article, Manitoba Co-Operator written by Daniel Winters, July 5, 2012)

      The documentary, Wetlands: The Drain Game shows how wetland loss impacts flooding across Saskatchewan and Manitoba. (Produced by Ducks Unlimited Canada and Prairie Public Broadcasting North Dakota, 2011) We don’t think flooding should only be attributed to climate change. Governments have allowed drainage and this negatively impacts people.

      So we agree that governments must stop wetland drainage. Ducks Unlimited write in their recent submission paper, “There is abundant scientific evidence documenting that flooding, and resulting flood damages, are not solely a function of uncontrollable phenomena such as soil moisture and weather, rather that human manipulations of the land contribute significantly to water movement as well. Flood damages are also impacted by the scale and magnitude of human development, which is totally within our control.” (Ducks Unlimited Canada’s Submission to the Surface Water Management Strategy Public Consultations, June 4, 2012, pg 7)

      The Manitoba Individual Flood Protection Program will not cover our flood project costs and we expect to be out of pocket by $35,000. Are we going to see more water in the years ahead? Will our dike be high enough? We are concerned, because we live 11 miles downstream from the province’s largest manmade drain; The Manitoba Floodway. We see what happened at Lake Manitoba and think that could happen here. But we are the lucky ones as our home is intact and we can stay here, for now. Should we rely on luck? What happened to the promise of permanent flood solutions?

      Wetlands are valuable. Stop the draining of marshes, sloughs and prairie potholes. A vigorous approach to save our wetlands is needed now. It makes good conservation and economic sense to protect wetlands. It also will protect people like us; people who are tired of living with the threat of flooding.

      Thank you for this opportunity to respond to the Green Paper.
      John and Roxane Anderson

      Box 23 Group 232 RR#2
      Selkirk, MB R1A 2A7

      C. Flood Prone Ratepayers of St. Andrews
      Association of Lake Manitoba Stakeholders
      David Farlinger, The 2011 Manitoba Flood Review Task Force


    • Re: Clarification from Province on Funding for Permanent Flood Protection and Shoreline Rock

      Rock Work is mentioned as NOT funded but Permanent Flood Protection is but NOT Defined other than raising, etc. (the funds can only be used for permanent flood protection works, such as raising, etc. The funds cannot be used for shoreline rock work.) .. Is a Gabion Rock Cage Funded? Is a Permanent, Properly Built Concrete Wall Funded? … Typical Gov’t answer … Leaves MORE Questions?? Anyway this can be looked into by your organization??


  14. Teri Seifert is going to be hosting another golf tournament this year at Manipogo on July 28th for charity (Canadian Diabetes Association). We weren’t able to make it happen last year but everything’s been confirmed so it is for sure a go.

    Date: Saturday, July 28th (rain date July 29th)

    Registration: $65, includes breakfast and steak dinner, proceeds to the Canadian Diabetes Association

    Texas Scramble, four person “best ball”

    – We have hole sponsorships, great prizes and gift bags for those entered

    – Transportation from Winnipeg to the golf course is an option if there is enough of a demand

    – To register, call Manipogo or email myself at


  15. Regarding the Public meeting from March 18, could you please post the results/minutes. There must be some kind of list if this is what you are working from to tell the gov’t what we the people want.
    Thanks Alice


    • Hi Alice, the report and findings were presented to the full ALMS board members. Your representatives should be able to provide you with the details. The power point will also be presented to the ALMS board once it is ready prior to presenting it to the Regulation and Review committee, hope this helps.


  16. I am just wondering how exactly this committee was struck and by who? Also, does this committee take into consideration the population density around the lake? Delta/Twin Beaches area has the highest population, yet there really seems to be little representation from these areas. If this committee is suppose to be working for the people, should there not be better representation according to the population?


  17. when is the next meeting and where? I am representing Deighton beach and have been receiving some information but no where can I see a date or time or location of the next meeting…


    • Again, same question, I am representing Deighton Beach and have received no information as to where and when the next meeting will take place… Please send me the required information…………..


  18. Hi there, Romeo Routhier from #5 Sandpiper Rd. Does the association have a list of current Sandpiper Rd owners? I was wondering if anyone may have this as it is imperitive that we meet to get a collective decision this May on the rebuilding of our waterfronts. As most if us will wish to rebuild on crown land, we are required to submit a proposal to the municipality to get this approved. (According to Derek Johnson Mun. Councillor). Funding for rockwork is scheduled to end June 30 as per MASC portion.

    If anyone, including membership who reads this, can call me, please do so on my cell anytime.

    Romeo Routhier Lot 5 Sandpiper


  19. Scott Forbes, a resident of Twin Lakes Beach, professor at the U of Winnipeg and freelance journalist shared the following:

    I have reading commentaries on various articles posted on the Free Press / CBC etc. of late, and see that there is still a great deal of misunderstanding about the origins of the flood — i.e., the notion that this was natural. This also seems to be creeping into comments of our public officials again as they gear for the lawsuits.

    To satisfy my curiosity, I performed a simple modelling analysis to project water levels on Lake Manitoba last year WITHOUT if the Portage Diversion had not been opened. As you know, some Assiniboine water would have made it into Lake Manitoba even without the Diversion. This is based upon the published work of my colleague Bill Rannie, a hydrologist at the U of Winnipeg, who estimates that about 20% of the Assiniboine flow would have ended up in Lake Manitoba naturally. Using Bill’s estimate I projected how much the lake would have risen if the Diversion had remained closed, and just the natural flow had reached the lake on top of the other natural inputs to the lake.

    The results are pretty clear. First, the lake’s peak level reaches just over 814.5 feet on the 7th of July – a minor flood overall, with some damage certainly to low elevation properties, but nothing like the disaster we experienced.

    Second, the lake on May 31st is BELOW the flood level of 814 feet (and my numbers are deliberately conservative – it probably wouldn’t have been even that high). Again, we would have avoided nearly all of the damage on the 31st of May. There would have been continued shoreline erosion, perhaps a handful of low elevation structures damaged, but nearly everyone would have escaped major damage. The wind setup, estimated to have reached 5 feet on 31 May, would not have been as high (perhaps 4 feet?).

    The conclusion is that we would have experienced a relatively minor flood, worse than the weather bomb in the fall of 2010, yes, but not anywhere near the scale we observed in 2011. It was very much an artificial flood.


  20. The The Lake Manitoba Rebuild Trade Show organizers have confirmed that a representative from MASC is going to doing a presentation at the trade show at 2:30 on May 4 at the Regent Casino regarding many of the questions that have been being asked. That person will be answering questions privately in a separate room after his presentation.
    Contact Andre Cole for additional information
    Jack King


    • Question: Is there compensation available for damage to garages or other out-buildings damaged by the standing water? We have a cottage on venice Road. many thanks, Lynne Mitchell-Pedersen: e-mail:


  21. In consideration to the environmental impact on the Lake should we not consider building up the capacity of the Assiniboine between Portage and Winnipeg to divert the flow of the river to help reduce the build up of contaminates that would be deposited into the Lake by the river and the flood debris chemical run off.


  22. Further my note of Mar 15/12 @11:52 p.m. -Waterfront lots affected should read ten (10), on TLB Rd, north of the public boat launch.
    Additionally, re ALMS Meeting. Agenda Item 14: (Three major concerns)
    >Provide adequate outlet to off-set inflow
    >Compensation based upon replacement value. Both Primary & Seasonal residences
    >Maintain Lk MB levels at 810/812 als.


  23. Re the ALMS Meet. Mar 19 2012. Agenda Item: -As the Province appears determined to avoid any concrete committment re lowering lake level(s) to 810/812 als., what might be expected by those of us whose structures were completely destroyed and whose property, no manner of ‘floodproofing’ will restore if levels are NOT lowered to the noted levels.?
    This references those first six (6) lots on TLB Rd., North of the Public Boat launch


  24. Hi Scott,
    For the mtg on March 19th, do you think you could have a lawyer
    present to answer some questions. I remember Dennis Turek spoke to Patrick Riley,could you invite him to the mtg? It appears to me, after looking at the agenda
    that the discussion will center around topics previously discussed. I would like to see what else is available for cottage owners.
    Jan Seifert


  25. A FB comment, on the Flood Victims page: “Hey, just for your info. We noticed a smell to our water, sent a sample in and came back unacceptable coliforms !! Will retest but – is this the polluted Lake Manitoba water seaping into our ground wells?? We have never and I repeat never had any problems with our 80ft well in the 35 years that we have lived here!!”
    If this is a problem now, it needs to get to your agenda for this meeting. It’s not unlikely that we will all be facing similar problems.


  26. hello my name is Joe Goncalves
    just received a check from MASC
    i disagree completely with what i got.
    what should i do Deposit the money
    or return the check and fill an appeal.
    Thanks Joe


    • Hello ALMS,
      I am a lake front cottage owner on Lake Manitoba. I would like to be a member of ALMS, is there a prosess and fee to belong to ALMS? Without getting into detail, our property is lake front in Oak Point, however we are on the outside of the dike.

      Thank you


  27. Would it be possible to get the time and date and place for the February meeting our representitive from Deighton Beach has gone on winter vacation and asked for myself to represent him, however he forgot to forward this information. Also would I be able to bring along someone else with myself.


  28. The Arborg + District Chamber of Commerce is planning to host a trade show in 2012. As we are located in the centre of the Interlake we plan to focus on Cottagers and Landowners who are either building or renovating their cottages on the west side of Lake Winnipeg and the east side of Lake Manitoba. We hope to have a full slate of retailers and tradespeople there to offer their advice and services. We would like to invite all cottagers and landowners in the Interlake to Arborg that day, but for now we would like to hear from you as to what programs or services would you like us to offer. Dec 8/2011


    • Hi Denise, regrettably it is limited to representatives from associations as well as the RMs. ALMS is sending a number reps as well. Would suggest you forward any questions or concerns to either your RM Reeve or your association rep. Hope that helps!


      • Hi Scott,
        We own property at Hawthorn Beach [no buidings yet] and would like to become members of the ALMS. i am oiginally from Manitoba but we live in Alberta and would like to stay current with the activity of the ALMS through the notices and messages.
        Thank you.
        Bev and Don Koshman


  29. Pls advise how we may join the ALMS . We are the only cottage owners in the RM Of Eriksdale in a private development. We have also lost our cabin and are feeling isolated. Pls advise. Email address is:

    The RM of Eriksdale have been wonderful to us and tried to assist us, but we lost the battle. We have only praise for our RM Reeve, his wife and local councillor. They did their best to try and help us save our cabin.


  30. Dear Johnson Beach Stakeholders:
    Re: Battlefield Johnson Beach
    We feel that it is essential to appoint a South Shore Drive resident to represent our interests at future meetings of the Association of Lake Manitoba Stakeholders (ALMS). René Marion, Rick Byquist, and I have been attending, but only to represent our own personal interests. We trust that you will agree that it would be better to have one unified voice representing our collective interests.
    We probably need a President, Vice President, and Secretary. Please indicate if you are interested in filling one of these positions or in nominating persons to do so. While it is not of paramount importance, we would like this to be considered sooner rather than later, for obvious reasons.
    Thank you for your attention.
    Yours truly,


  31. Hi Diane,

    ALMS is having its next meeting on Monday June 27th, my name is Cheryl Smith and I’m one of the co-chairs for ALMS, please email me at and I will forward a copy of our agenda and the location etc. welcome!


  32. I just became aware of your association and your mission. Hats off to you!! I am the acting Vice-President and Secretary of the Maple Beach Association. We are cottage owners (and residents) in the RM of Grahamdale. Suggest that we attach our voices to yours. Our area has also been badly affected; immediate action on the part of the Manitoba Government is imperative to stop the absolute destruction that is happening before our eyes. No one can wait for two years+ before action is taken with Lake St. Martin to alleviate the pressure from Lake Manitoba. Action and leadership is needed NOW! Apart from any associated legal issues, the Government of Manitoba has a moral obligation to accept responsibility for its actions and to act with speed to alleviate the needless suffering of thousands of residents as they watch their life savings being washed away.

    Diane Dawiskiba


  33. I am not sure what I can do to assist but I would like to volunteer. I live in Toronto but my parents who live in Benyk’s Point on Lake Manitoba have been forced to evacuate. We are struggling to find information for them on what happens next.

    Thanks, Susan Helfmeyer


    • Please advise how we can join the ALMS and if you have any advice.
      My husband and I have a lakefront lot on Miss Ellies Drive West which has been completely destroyed (it is being used as an access road for heavy machinery that deals with flood). It was on sale prior to the diversion, and now it is worthless.
      This was our only real estate property as we are renters.
      Thank you.


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